Monday, 14 July 2014

4th Sunday of Trinity - the parable of the Sower

The parable of the sower is probably one of the better-remembered stories of the New Testament.

The image of a farmer sowing the seed is one of generosity. In to days world of technology that strives to reduce waste, is obsessed with profit margins and the eradication of human error there is something in the example of a man throwing sowing seed that is almost careless in its approach. The parable is one about sowing, not one that focuses on harvest. We are to sow seed of hope and love in our community. Reflecting on how we do this there are many examples of our generosity  Generously – Christmas Cheer ;Christmas lunch on Jesus: Passion and Plenty : numerous Coffee Mornings and Lunches; Summer Fete’s, Quiz nights– these act all bring the community together. The Harvest is of course not to be ignored  - but the hundred-fold harvest is not for the farmer alone and nor does Jesus go into detail as to how it is made possible! We strive to find ways of sowing Gods seed of hope and love in this community we are called to live in NOT for our glory or benefit but so that others may have life (eternal life, fulfilled life from God)

As I listen to the words of this much loved parable I think about our life together as a church and how in particular the quality of our welcome.
In October we will be studying, as a parish – all of us! – the “Everybody Welcome” course devised by Bob Jackson. I hope that as many of us as possible will be able to set aside 4 times when we can come together an reflect on our life together and the quality of our welcome.
Do people find it hard work to become part of our life, is it easier for them to walk on and find something else to do with their time?
Do people find us too busy and choked with our own concerns and business to actually stop and listen, to really offer friendship and compassion
Do people find that we are shallow and superficial, that our lofty claims to be loved by God and forgiven by God are exactly that rather than find a community where the call of Jesus Christ, were the values of the gospel and run through all that we do and say?

As I ask you to think about this I also ask you to ask yourself why would you do this? Why should we take out 4 evenings or will be it be afternoons or even a Saturday morning to share together, to listen to one another, to reflect on our life together – is it just so we can be a bigger and better congregation and church?
is it just so we can tick a box when the Archdeacon visits us later this week on his triennial visitation?

To create – NO
to allow God to create and make us a truly welcoming community where his word of love and forgiveness, his life of joy and fulfillment can flourish. It requires us to be generous with our time and offer some of it to God so that God can take it, bless it and multiply that gift for the sake of the this world that he created and loves.

Saturday, 12 July 2014

St. John's summers fete

A glorious day for us all. Great to see so many helping out and wonderful to have Paula our children's entertainer join us and make the afternoon such fun for the children.

Thursday, 10 July 2014

Quiz and Pizza night at St Matthias - Friday 18th July

Why not have some fun and help raise money for St Matthias' funds next Friday?

Our 'pub quiz', run by Cheryl, is always a good event. Admission is £7, and this includes the cost of a pizza meal. Bring your own drinks.

The quiz is at 7pm on Friday 18th July.

Tickets are available from Fr Simon.

Thursday, 3 July 2014

St Thomas the doubter

A blessed feast day to you all.
Today is my 25th anniversary as a priest! As I have often said doubt is not the opposite of faith, certainty is. We live by faith and if our faith is not one inspired with questions and yes doubts then of what value is it to us and the world we are called to share our faith with?
We have just finished the memorial garden at St Mathhias so that those who wish can have a place for Rememberance and prayer for the faithful departed. 

Monday, 30 June 2014

Feast of Dedication Weekend for St John the Evangelist

The weekend for many starts on a Friday and for us here at St John and St Matthias we gathered to celebrate the marriage of one of our priests Fr Simon to Dovey It was a wonderful service at St Matthias and there was some champagne and nibbles for everyone at the back of Church. Congratulations to Michelle who caught Doveys bouquet! Fr Simon and Dovey are on honeymoon and we wish them all the best

Congratulations to Ethan Gibbs who was baptised at St John on Saturday, please pray for Ethan who has to have a major operation at Great Ormand Street children's hospital next week. This was followed by a songs of praise and parish party with food from many different cultures reflecting our diverse congregation. 

Sunday at the Feast of Dedication Mass at St John's it was wonderful to welcome Judy's daughter who was on a flying visit from South Africa and I think it was the first time she had been at St John's in all the years that her mother has made this church her home. In the afternoon Sunday and Francoise were married at St John and partied the evening away at St Matthias church hall.

St John was first opened for worship on June 29th 1896 and we give thanks to God for the many years in which this church has stood as a sign of God's presence in this community, "How awesome is this place, This is none other than the house of God and this is the gate of heaven"

Please pray for Michael, Mark, Victoria, Violet, Angel, Emmanuelle, Patience, Ryan, Tianna , Imani, Simdi, Jenny and Francoise who will be confirmed on Friday evening by our bishop Peter.

Sunday, 22 June 2014

Corpus Christi

Today we give thanks for the gift of the Eucharist, Christ's Body and Blood, given to us truly and substantially under the signs of bread and wine. Belief that the Blessed Sacrament is transformed, in a unique way, by God's creative power, into the Body and Blood of Christ has sometimes been lacking in the Church of England. But it is central to the mainstream of Christian tradition, and we affirm it today.

The Eucharist, and our belief about it, can sometimes cause difficulty for people, echoing the passage from John 6 we heard as our gospel reading. Whilst it is important to understand the doctrine, and for the Church to find ways of explaining and defending it in terms understandable in the modern world, today is not really the feast of a doctrine. It is the feast of a person, Jesus Christ, who gives himself to us out of love.

And the appropriate response to Christ's love in the Eucharist is to offer love in return. Love for Jesus at the altar, in our reception of Holy Communion and our devotions, and love for Jesus present in our brothers and sisters, present in every human being, present especially in the poor and oppressed. I'm reminded of the powerful words of Bishop Frank Weston:

And my last point is this. I recall you in the last place to the Christ of the Blessed Sacrament. I beg you, brethren, not to yield one inch to those who would for any reason or specious excuse deprive you of your Tabernacles. I beg you, do not yield, but remember when you struggle, or, as Father Frere told us to-day, when you fight for the Church—do remember that the Church is the body of Christ, and you fight in the presence of Christ. Do not forget that. I want you to make your stand for the Tabernacle, not for your own sakes but for the sake of truth first, and in the second place for the sake of reunion hereafter. But for the truth, because the one great thing that England needs to learn is that Christ is found in and amid matter—Spirit through matter—God in flesh, God in the Sacrament. But I say to you, and I say it to you with all the earnestness that I have, that if you are prepared to fight for the right of adoring Jesus in his Blessed Sacrament, then you have got to come out from before your Tabernacle and walk, with Christ mystically present in you, out into the streets of this country, and find the same Jesus in the people of your cities and your villages. You cannot claim to worship Jesus in the Tabernacle, if you do not pity Jesus in the slum.

Monday, 16 June 2014

Trinity Sunday

Are you eating your 5 portions of Veg per day?

At a time when the nations health is worse than it was at the end of the WW11 after 6 years of war: rationing and shortages, the issue of a balanced diet is firmly on the nations mind – or at least should be.

The body cannot live long without proper sustenance – fasting can be useful but starving yourself is useless. Starvation may not be realistic alternative in our society of excess however there is mounting evidence that many of us have an unbalanced diet – yes we literally starve our bodies of one or another essential vitamin or mineral that can have disastrous effects on the health of our whole body.

While everyone, well almost everyone, in the country has gone football mad we do not at this moment know who will win the world cup. There is endless debate and not a little money on the answer – will it be the team with the best striker or the team with a 4 :4: 3 formation. Can a team with a poor mid-field really do better than a team with an inadequate defence. The answer I assume is that the winners will be a team that plays as a team rather than a group of individuals – a team that finds the balance between all the combinations of skill, tactics and determination on the field.

And speaking of the field it is on the battle field that we see most strikingly the disastrous effects upon an army when one small detail is forgotten about.
In the History of warfare the lack of sanitation or cleanness caused more causalities that the arrows, or bullets of an opposing army
In WW1 deficient head cover was one of the biggest causes of the terrible losses experienced on the front line –
In the Gulf – we heard about the wrong boots being issued and the wrong kind of gun – both deficiencies affecting the chances of winning and indeed living in the theatre of war

Why am I talking about balance and deficiency this morning?
The answer is because this morning is Trinity Sunday.

When it comes to our faith many of us display a deficient or imbalanced understanding of God. For many of us there is an essential element missing in our faith that leaves us poorer when we should be rejoicing in the great riches that are offered to us when we place our faith in God.

Put simply many Christians do not experience the reality of the Trinity : God as father Son and Holy Spirit instead they latch onto just one person of the Trinity- resulting in an imbalanced and deficient relationship with God.

To day we rejoice in the Father Son and Holy Spirit
Today we give thanks for the Holy Trinity. 

Let us pray
Great praise and everlasting glory be to God
Father Son and Holy Spirit
Creator, Redeemer, Sanctifier
Lover, Beloved and love between
Giver of Life, bearer of pain, Maker of love
Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end
Great praise from the whole universe
In all times and places
Holy Holy holy, Great God of power and love
Who was and who is and who is to come    AMEN