Showing posts with label growing up. Show all posts
Showing posts with label growing up. Show all posts

Sunday 30 December 2012

Thought for Christmas 1

In our Gospel reading today we find Jesus at 12 exploring and discovering who is. Just as many of us were doing at 12.

During the 40 days of Christmas our reflections in liturgy have us leaping about from Jesus teaching in the Temple at 12 on Christmas 1 to His Naming and Circumcision on the 1st January at 8 days old. The flight to Egypt is remembered on the 28th December during Holy Innocents and we return to Bethlehem on the 6th January for the visit of the Magi. During the Sundays after Christmas we follow Jesus growing up and beginning his ministry in Galilee and then he return to the Babe being presented at the temple.

This is great for an understanding of the mission and nature of Jesus, but it does mean that we miss the narrative of Jesus growing up. We don't remember a crucified baby or believe that God beamed down at aged 30. We believe in a God who was born, grew up, was part of a family and work out who he is.

God shared in our humanity, all of it - even the messy and uncomfortable bits, so we might share in His divinity.